Enel Green Power and Acciaierie di Sicilia are launching a new project for the production of green hydrogen: a sustainable solution to reduce the steel industry’s high greenhouse gas emissions.
A new Enel Green Power project is taking off in Sicily that will see green hydrogen used to power heavy industry. The initiative, which is called “Sicilian Sustainable Steel”, has been launched with the company Acciaierie di Sicilia, which is part of the Alfa Acciai group, a leader in the production of steel for reinforced concrete.
Acciaierie di Sicilia is Sicily’s sole steelworks plant, located in the industrial area of Catania.
The goal is to use green hydrogen to replace 30% of the natural gas currently used in the furnaces to heat the rolling mills, thereby meeting a large part of the company’s energy needs that cannot be satisfied using electricity. This is one way to significantly reduce the environmental impact of steel production.
The steel industry in general is set to make up a significant part of the total demand for green hydrogen, precisely because, according to the International Energy Agency, it is currently responsible for around 7% of global carbon dioxide emissions. That is why both EGP and Acciaierie di Sicilia, now in partnership, consider it a priority for their decarbonisation strategies.