Tag: sustainable finance

Green Steel World Editorial Team

Stegra granted state aid

Swedish Energy Agency announced that Stegra has been granted about €100 million from the Industrial Leap for its establishment of a fully integrated near zero emission steel production facility in Boden.

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Green Steel World Editorial Team

Climate Bonds Initiative: driving a credible and just transition

In an exclusive interview with Green Steel World’s Lucija Kozina, Mr. Fabio Passaro, Senior Transition Policy Analyst at the Climate Bonds Initiative, discussed the findings of a recent report he co-authored titled “The role of policymakers in mobilising private finance to ensure a credible and just transition in steel and cement.” This insightful report, created at the request of the G20 Brazilian Presidency, was a key input for the Sustainable Finance Working Group (G20 SFWG) July meetings and informed their high-level discussions on sustainable finance.

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“Negative carbon is the currency of the future”
Green Steel World Editorial Team

“Negative carbon is the currency of the future”

Simply put, sustainable finance refers to the process of taking environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into account when making investment decisions in the financial sector, leading to more long-term investments in sustainable economic activities and projects. According to the Head of ESG, FIC, Deutsche Bank, decarbonising the steel industry will cost more than 1.4 trillion dollars and that is why the emerging sustainable finance market has a key role to play in funding the transition.

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