Tag: decarbonisation

Green Steel World Editorial Team

Industeel Achieves ResponsibleSteel Certification

Following a 12-month audit process conducted by AFNOR, Industeel has achieved certification against the ResponsibleSteel International Standard. Part of ArcelorMittal, the cluster of sites manufactures stainless, carbon and low alloy specialty steel heavy plates.

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Green Steel World Editorial Team

Applied New Technologies AG: Unlocking the potential of sustainable ship recycling

The scarcity of resources represents one of the main obstacles for decarbonisation to be carried out. In the light of the ongoing energy transition and the difficulties that the steel industry is facing in that regard, a significant increase in demand for steel scrap can be expected. Therefore, all available sources must be utilized. As we are observing the humanity´s tale of sustainability unfold, Applied New Technologies AG (ANT AG),
a German company based in Lübeck, is set on contributing to the noble cause. How? By providing products for dismantling obsolete ships with an environmentally friendly method.

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