New ResponsibleSteel Standard launched to facilitate transition to decarbonised future

New ResponsibleSteel Standard launched to facilitate transition to decarbonised future
The ResponsibleSteel Standard is unique in addressing not only climate change but other issues also across the whole ESG spectrum.

Created by ResponsibleSteel members, including some of the world’s largest steel companies and most respected social justice and climate NGOs, ResponsibleSteel International Standard V2.0 will play a pivotal role in driving down GHG emissions and driving up standards in the steel supply chain, helping steel companies transition to a responsible, decarbonised future.

As the world grapples with the impact of climate change, the new ResponsibleSteel Standard, launched on 14 September, focuses more deeply than ever before on reducing GHG emissions and now enables buyers of steel for the first time to specify what green procurement means in a credible way.

After years of hard and complex work, ResponsibleSteel announced its revised Standard 2.0. Leading steel companies including ArcelorMittal, Tata Steel, US Steel, thyssenkrupp, POSCO, BlueScope, and voestalpine worked with others along the steel value chain to support the standard’s development, as well as leading environmental NGOs the Climate Group, Ceres, the Clean Air Task Force, We Mean Business, and Mighty Earth. The launch of this Standard will provide leaders in the steel industry with an immediate opportunity to showcase how they are driving down emissions, whilst tackling other urgent issues such as the impact of mining, water use, labour rights, air pollution, and diversity. It’s an expert yet practical road map for radical and innovative change in the world of steel.

“The progressive steel industry, business and civil society and associate Members should be very proud today. They have worked together to produce a breakthrough standard. This means we now have a workable standard to certify steel products which meet the highest possible sustainability metrics,” commented Gerry Tidd, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

He continued, “steel customers can now be confident in specifying ResponsibleSteel certified steel products. The Standard sets a new high watermark for steelmakers, their supply chain and customers who want to address essential issues like biodiversity, GHG emissions, labour rights, water, and waste.”

The ResponsibleSteel Standard is unique in addressing not only climate change but other issues also across the whole ESG spectrum.

It has taken years of expertise and cross sector buy-in to create the new revisions which are even more exacting than before and pertain specifically to GHG emissions and the responsible sourcing of input materials.

“ResponsibleSteel’s new International Standard comes at a critical time, with the unfolding energy crisis alongside the climate challenge only magnifying the need for a global scale transition to a decarbonised economy. By providing a practical tool for both steelmakers and all their stakeholders to measure and reward progress, it paves the way for society to work together on this gargantuan challenge” said ResponsibleSteel CEO Annie Heaton.

“The Standard enables anyone that’s either buying or making steel to demonstrate they are not only driving down emissions, but also thinking responsibly about impacts on people and nature right across the value chain.”

She continued, “With the publication of this Standard, we invite every steel company in the world to adopt it, every customer to ask for it and every finance house to endorse it, so that together, as a community of the willing and through dynamic collaboration we can generate the necessary investments required for this vital transition.”

ResponsibleSteel believes the publication of this Standard will send a clear signal to steel customers, the market, investors, policy makers and government leaders that this is a Standard the world can trust, is wholly transparent, will push back against greenwashing and will ultimately pave the way towards a net zero steel industry with sustainability at its core.

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