Tag: decarbonisation

Green Steel World Editorial Team

Journey to carbon neutrality and circularity: Tata Steel´s Zeremis initiative

The steel industry is at a pivotal crossroads in the quest for a sustainable future. As a key material in modern society, steel is crucial for infrastructure, transportation, and daily life, but traditional production methods significantly contribute to global CO2 emissions.
In this enlightening conversation, we delve into the strategies and innovations at Tata Steel Nederland with Mr. Sander Heinhuis, Director Marketing. Mr. Heinhuis provides a comprehensive overview of their pioneering approaches in sustainable steelmaking, the implementation of advanced data-driven processes, and the collaborative efforts necessary to achieve significant reductions in carbon emissions. Through initiatives like Zeremis and the development of cutting-edge technologies, Tata Steel Nederland is not only committed to decarbonizing its own operations but also aiding its customers and partners in reducing their carbon footprints.

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Green Steel World Editorial Team

New report by WWF-Australia

A new report by WWF-Australia has set out the actions Australia needs to take to become a global leader in green iron manufacturing and decarbonise the iron and steel industry.

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Green Steel World Editorial Team

ResponsibleSteel: charting progress to 1.5°C

ResponsibleSteel, an international non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sustainable practices within the steel industry, has recently published a comprehensive report titled “Charting Progress to 1.5°C.” The Green Steel World team had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Alli Devlin, Senior Decarbonization Advisor at ResponsibleSteel and the primary author of the report. Dr. Devlin offered invaluable insights into the report’s findings and its implications for the iron and steel industry.

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